How to create second character in GTA Online

Hi! In this guide we'll be talking about how to create a second avatar or a second character for your existing game without necessarily losing for the first one or having to start a brand-new account.

Reason for the change:

Now, there can be few reasons you might like to do this.

  • You might not be happy with the current characters appearance and you're early in the game and don't want to pay the hundred grand to be able to swap the characters features out.
  • To role play or change your haracter's gender which you can't do with the standard plastic surgery feature offered by Rockstar or you think it might just be time for a changing. You are not a fan of the build. You're not a fan of this kill tree and you'd like to start again.
  • Smurfing and trolling griefers.

Things to do:

To get started on this one all you need to do to start with is login to Grand Theft Auto Online. Just load up your standard game as if you're about to play and once that's done, you'll be able to hit the escape button or jump into the pause menu.

GTA Online - Open the Pause Menu, Navigate to Online, and Swap Character


Once, you're in the pause menu just scroll through to the online section and then down to the swap character. Once, you've confirmed swap a character that'll pull you back out of the standard game and then into the character creation screen where we'll pick up next character. And here, you'll be back in the line-up. As the two characters come on screen. You'll see the one on the right in the red is the new character option and the one on the left will be your existing character.

GTA Online - Select the new character, or delete your first character

Jump to new character creation:

Now you can jump into the new character creation. Leave your existing one intact. Especially if you've got a more mature character with higher experience. For me I'm jumping straight into the delete and then creating a new one. By default, on a new account, you still have that second slot so you can then create a new character if you like without having to delete the first one.

GTA Online - If you are deleting a character, you will see an alert

GTA Online - ...and receive a confirmation prompt

Deleting old and creating new:

I'm deleting the first one because honestly, I haven't had a lot of fun. So, I'm just diving straight in. So, once you've deleted. You've confirmed your delete. Then Rockstar will ask you to just type the word in. You'll confirm again and they'll get to I'm deleting that character.

Worth noting:

It's worth noting that if your characters or your avatars share bank accounts so any money you have in the bank with one avatar or character will be transferred and be use-able by the other one.

Assets on the other hand I'm not sure about that. You might need to check the forums on that one or please if you know comment below and XP, RP all of your experience and skill sets will be lost when deleting the old character or using the new character.

BUT; Money stays intact. Bank account stays intact.

So, you still have the ability if you've got a decent bank account with one character. Just transfer that across that'll give you a head start.

Character Appearance:

Now you'll see here. We'll be starting on the character appearance I'm going for a male this time rather than a female. So, I'm hoping to get a little bit less of a hassle out of the box.

Keep a low profile to have more fun:

When you're a low-level character you're not terribly experienced in GTA online. You want to try and keep as low profile as possible otherwise it's just not going to be fun. So, we're zipping through appearances I'm largely looking for different toning and more facial structure but once we're through that then we can get to the real customization of the character.

Facial features:

As we zoom out, we're starting on facial features. Just going to zip through here and just do some basic customization nothing too serious. Once we get some money later on down the track, we can perform plastic surgery if we like but we can't change genders on the plastic surgery. We can only change facial features and SOME physicality.

Changing different parts of face:

So, as we go through different parts of the face, nose and brows and some of the customizations you will see here. Perfecting everything getting it as close as we can to finish before moving on to the next thing.


Next, we're looking at the hair colour, eye colour and general skin tone and appearance of the character. Now as I said I'm looking for a little bit of familiarity here because we can't make our fella a fat bald guy in his 40's. LOL. We're going to go and try and pitch as close as we can.


Next step is the outfit. I think we're going to go with something a bit sharp look. You can cycle through a few different options and see what's comes up but I suspect quite strongly we're going to end up with our friend looking a little bit snazzy because the girls go crazy for a sharp-dressed man.

Now as I suspected we're going to go with something a little bit sharp. A nice Fedora, a nice set of glasses and a nice three-piece suit (OMG)

GTA Online - Create the basics for your new character

Character stats:

The next job you'll gonna do is character stats. What you normally do is just slide one of the stats back and that gives you points. You can see there in the red, then you can reallocate those points to something a little bit further up the chain or something a bit more to your liking. Personally, I play a lot of driving games so, the driving for GTA for me is important but it's also not that challenging. So, in most builds I will do things like add the extra driving points I'll take those off and then move them on to strength but for this exercise I've just left it as it is.

Extra fine-tuning:

Next step is just a little bit of extra fine-tuning to make sure our fellow looks all right in his sparking' new fedora with these glasses. Adjust the brow to make sure that it suits the glasses and that doesn't look a little bit silly and then once that's complete, we're just about ready to go.

Save and continue:

Next thing to do is save and continue' once you do that and you confirm. You just have to give your new character a name. Now I'm running a little short on ideas so I'm just gonna go with Mr. sharp and there it is.

GTA Online - Confirm your new character's name and appearance (this can be changed later, for a fee)

GTA Online - If you choose not to skip the tutorial, you'll be dropped into the game's opening sequence

So, once we're happy with that click OK or ENTER, CONFIRM whatever there is and then take a photo. That'll be a new profile picture and Rockstar has set you up with a new character.

Once you saved. You'll be dropped back into the world and picked up by Lamar at the airport as you come in and the whole game starts.