PaintTool SAI is a lightweight, Japanese digital painting program and is pop amid artists because of its vast range of tools and simplicity of use.

With that said, shortcut keys are essential for most advanced artists, as y'all continue i hand on the drawing pad and the other on the keyboard. They make your workflow more efficient while drawing digitally.

If yous'd like to learn more about shortcuts in PaintTool SAI to make your life easier, then go along on reading.

Shortcut Action
Ctrl + Due north Opens a new canvas
Ctrl + O Opens a saved canvas
Ctrl + Southward Saves current sail
Ctrl + Shift + S Saves canvas as
Ctrl + W Closes the electric current canvas (it will enquire you whether y'all desire to save your progress)
Ctrl + C Copy
Ctrl + X Cut
Ctrl + V Paste
Ctrl + "+" Zooms in
Page Up Zooms in
Ctrl + "-" Zooms out
Folio Downwards Zooms out
Abode Zooms out to fit the working space. It will also straighten and unflip your canvas
Tab Toggles the toolboxes on and off
Ctrl + Tab Jumps to the open canvas on your right (if you have multiple canvases open)
Ctrl + Shift + Tab Jumps to the open canvas on your left (if you take multiple canvases open)
Right-click Picks upwards the colour under the cursor
Ctrl + Alt + Drag Changes the size of the tool you are using
Ctrl + Click on a pixel + Drag Allows yous to motility all the pixels within that layer of the pixel that y'all clicked on (not affected by your current layer)
H Flips the Canvass (saved files are not mirrored)
Ctrl + A Selects everything on the current layer
Ctrl + D Deselects everything on the current layer
D Deletes all pixels in your current layer
Shift + Left-click Draws a directly line betwixt the concluding click and the new one
Delete Rotates the canvas counter-clockwise
End Rotates the sail clockwise
Spacebar + Alt + Left-click + Drag Rotates the canvas

Go on in mind that you can change the shortcuts of near of the tools in PaintTool SAI. All you accept to do is double click on the tool in the toolbox, and the Custom Tool Belongings window will popular upward. Here, you can change the Shortcut Key to anything yous want, every bit well as rename the tool.

PaintTool SAI changing the shortcut keys

You can also customize your shortcuts by clicking on Help > Shortcut Keys.

PaintTool SAI Shortcut Keys

In the Shortcut Key Assignments, you lot tin select the keys on the left, and select an appropriate action in the right column to change it.

PaintTool SAI Shortcut Key Assignments window

Shortcuts Make Everything Easier

PaintTool SAI is a simplistic digital art programme that gives you a lot of liberty. Past getting used to its shortcuts, drawing in PaintTool SAI will exist so much easier. Use the default shortcuts that PaintTool SAI offers, or customize your own!

ix PaintTool SAI Tips for Beginners

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